Saturday, October 27, 2007

Doubts cast on suspension of ABC Network

26-10-2007 12.40pm] The government suspended broadcasts of the five radio stations belonging to the privately-owned ABC Network Ltd. with effect from yesterday (Oct. 25th) for broadcasting an incorrect news item and causing alarm among the public.However, the broadcaster says the news item in question was carried by Hiru FM, Gold FM, Sun FM, Sha FM and Suriyan FM only after verification. A group of villagers in Tissamaharama that had gone to the Ranminitenna jungle to collect firewood were confronted by the LTTE at around 6.30 pm on October 24th, the ABC Network Ltd. said, adding that this report from the area was broadcast at 8.00 pm. Again at 8.36 pm, the same news item was aired with voice cuts from the agitated villagers.However, Military Spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said it was only a rumour that had been caused by a couple clad in black that had gone into the jungle to collect firewood.According to Media Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa, people in Ranminitenna were much agitated by the news items carried by the private broadcasting station, and that an inquiry was conducted.Security authorities have found that the rumour was spread after a child had mistaken a heap of firewood for firearms, the Minister said.Police Spokesman Senior DIG Jayantha Wickremaratne said the police carried out a search operation in the area following a report of several suspicious persons in black being seen in the Ranminitenna jungle, but found it to be a false alarm.Meanwhile, Director General of the Media Centre for National Security Lakshman Hulugalle alleged that certain electronic media were misusing media freedom and carried reports that endangered national security.People of Ranminitenna were much agitated following such a false report on the night of October 24th, he said.However, reliable sources close to the government say that the suspension of the private broadcasting station was in fact due to a shortage of radio frequency bands.The Director General of MCNS Lakshman Hulugalle has been given a license to operate a radio station, but that a radio frequency band has not been made available to him, the sources say.Therefore, a suspension of a radio station already in operation could give the opportunity for Hulugalle to claim that radio frequency band, the sources said, adding that the top MCNS official was a key player behind this façade.In another development, the management of the ABC Network Ltd. was due to file a petition in the Supreme Court today and challenge the suspension.In the event of an incorrect news item being carried, it is the accepted practice to suspend only the news broadcast after an inquiry. Therefore, the intention of suspending all programmes of all stations belonging to a broadcasting station in this manner is rather suspicious, media experts say.Furthermore, the Military Spokesman, the Media Minister, the Police Spokesman and the Director General of MCNS have made contradictory statements regarding the suspension of ABC Network Ltd.

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